The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Does Preventative Botox Work?

Maybe it’s the social media influence in a digital age but one thing that every 20 something influencer is talking about is preventative botox.

Is it good that this topic is buzzing around the internet or harmful? Tik Tok influencer Justjazzzyidk is 25 years old and recently explained that she started getting Botox when she was 19.

It made me think if preventative botox really needs to be started that young.

Is she ahead of the game or wasting her money? Dr. Konstantin Vasyukevich is a leading, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who performs more than 1,000 facial cosmetic procedures annually, making him one of the most successful facial plastic surgeons in Manhattan.

He states, “Preventative botox is a delicate thing that should be determined on a case to case basis.

It is not necessarily about age, rather the condition of which your skin lies as well as your genetic background.”

There are so many questions that further arise to my mind that you too may be interested in.

How you can determine if you need botox, what state is desirable for preventative botox (how many fine lines is enough), what amount is good to start, once you start must you continue forever, ect. Dr. Konstantin Vasyukevich can answer all of these questions or any additional ones you may have if you are also interested in this topic.

In a Tik Tok world it’s important to be on top of the trends to spread the most up-to-date and educational information to the masses.

If someone simply just watched Justjazzzyidk Tik Tok they might believe 19 is the starting age, which is incorrect! I hope Dr. Konstantin Vasyukevich can be of assistance to you, please let me know if I can connect you with him!

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