The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Dubai Modest Fashion Festival concludes The activities of the Modest

Fashion Festival concluded at the Rixos Premium Hotel Dubai, attended by many international fashion designers, which include many Arab countries. In addition to famous social media bloggers and media professionals.

The designers were keen to coordinate the fashionable colors, following several brands such as Dior and Fendi’s .

The residents of this brilliant show, which lasted for three days of creativity and dazzle of various colors, organized a round table that included the most important fashion makers across the Arab and international world and content makers to talk about the latest developments in modest fashion and its aesthetics, as well as highlighting the softness of women without resorting to nudity and highlighting its charms.

In a special meeting with the owner of the idea and the director of the festival, Ms. Ozlem, she expressed her happiness with the success of the festival in its fifth session and the people’s demand for acquiring modest and elegant dress. She is also very grateful to all her work team, who also impressed her through their professionalism.

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