The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Levi’s presents 70’s High Flare, its iconic and irresistible new denim

Levi's presents 70's High Flare, its iconic and irresistible new denim
Levi’s presents 70’s High Flare, its iconic and irresistible new denim

In the family of flare pants, there are different cuts: those very tight on the thigh and flared from the knee, or those loose at the level of the thighs and whose flare begins above the knee.

the 70’s High Flare is part of the second group.

We can say that it is the most modern of vintage pants. So to support its retro look, Levi’s comes in a dark orange corduroy version.

With that, all that’s missing is a checked knit to get a totally seventies look.

We particularly like its wide hem and high waist. And so that everyone can find their account, the American brand has chosen to decline its 70’s High Flare in several colors: white, light blue, and dark blue.

Most ? The full line of 70’s High Flare models are available in stretch organic cotton (grown without chemicals, pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers). Perfect alliance between style and durable clothing.

The new 70’s High Flare jeans from Levi’s, at 135 €, available now on the website.

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