The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Nomadic Wave of Art Tourism Launched in Mariolino, Bodrum

Dr. Xander Pratt, awarded as International Youth Center’s Artist of the Year in 2023, has landed on the coasts of South Turkey to promote the country’s rich creative industries through sustainable art tourism, with Turkish talent manager Eda Karul, supported by the new travel agency for artists and art patrons, Nomadhood. Starting off with Bonjuk Art Week, he has recently joined the musical family of newly-opened Mariolino by the Sea, in party-capital Bodrum, and a fashion collection coming very soon.

XP Global, based out of Hong Kong and soon Los Angeles, has become an up and coming creative hub for the ideation of brands and artistic expressions today. The art market, with audiences of all ages, cultures, breaks way for a new, edgy, classy type of tour which is people-centered, and potentially planet-focused too. From climate exhibitions and installations, to avant-garde, and sustainable fashion, to a filmography involving deeply rooted historical and natural heritage, Pratt’s team has been dedicated to channel global multidisciplinary talents to bring all walks of life together through cultural diplomacy, alongisde partners such as UNESCO ITI, and the Global South Foundation, which he chairs with AsiaTV, AfricaTV and LatinTV.

Description: This weekend, Bodrum heard Bye Bye Plastic DJ Blondish, support the summer release of “I Like It”, an XP original song to be released next month.

CNN’s top 10 avant garde artist from Africa, he has worked in different cities around the world such as Johannesburg, Melbourne, Marrakech, Manila, Rio de Janeiro, Saint Petersburg, Dubai, and more recently the culmination of his Europe tour in Caanes, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. His next stop, Istanbul awaits a proposal for this year’s National Day, where his creative direction will meet heritage sites, and traditional cultural dances, his very own Afro House community, as well as the emerging niche of the modest fashion industry, at the world-famous Expo end of the year.

What’s next for art tourism is an ocean of possibilities. Artistic productions are best nourished by both contemporary and indigenous cultural expressions, now waiting to be unveiled in the deeply rooted Turkish civilization.

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