The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Paris Fashion Week, 29 September

Organized by Global Glam Fashion USA, this prestigious event took place at the five-star Westin Paris Hotel from 6 to 9 pm. The show featured 70 designers and 300 top models from around the world. We selected the best designers and top models from Prestige Show Production International.


1. Zota Couture (Florida)

2. Lino Pepe

3. Drisha Closet

4. Mitori Paris, who closed the show with top models from Prestige Show Production.

The dress which won by Stavroulla Nicolaou was designed by celebrity designer Santhia Manniesing of Passe Partout from the Netherlands. The Prestige Show Production team supported this amazing event alongside the media team.

2nd of October Paris Fashion Week at the Cathedral Church in Paris was organized by Loves Events.


1. Munich Vaid (India)

2. Mariel Lucile B.

3. Andy Mona (Nice, France)

4. Lucian Popesw

The show was closed by Munich Vaid, with top models from Prestige Show Production, accompanied by the beautiful song Bird of Freedom by Evi Photopolos & Kimonas Polaris from Greece.

Hair and makeup were handled by Andrea ADAlex, and Kathy from the Netherlands. Special thanks to the Prestige models and the international media that covered the event, including Tony Para Creative Lifestyle MagazineLionel Sidol and his media team, Buzze Magazine (Morocco & Dubai), Igon Image MonacoFiloxenos (Greek & Cypriot media), Spazio Demo Milano (Italy Fashion Magazine), and photographer Joe Nicles from Paris.

We invite you to our next event on 4 December in Dubai. Thanks to all who supported these charitable events.

Stavroulla Nicolaou

President, Prestige Show Production


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