The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Sonia Ben Belkacem: I am exposed to war because of the success of the “Cinderella” series

Bravo sonia
Bravo Sonia

Producer Sonia Ben Belkacem confirmed, in a telephone interview with the “Ramadan Nights” program today, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, that she is being exposed to war because of the success of the “Cinderella” series, which is shown on the first national channel.

She said that “Cinderella” honors the Tunisian drama, indicating that the work is complete, integrated, and very successful, and that there is no error in it, and that her series is number one in viewership.

And she continued that she is in a position of self-defense and not an attack, indicating that she did not attack anyone, but she is being attacked by several parties.

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