The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Summer Wellbeing with AQUAPLUS

Summer Wellbeing with AQUAPLUS
Summer Wellbeing with AQUAPLUS

Importance of Summer Hydration by AQUAPLUS: UAE’s first-of-its-kind BPA-free alkaline water

There is no drink as hydrating and healthy as water. As the mercury rises, it becomes essential to drink more water and its advantages are more evident

The first-of-its-kind BPA Free 5-gallon alkaline water in the UAE, Aquaplus shares the importance of keeping your hydration levels in check this summer

:Keeps you full for longer

It’s easy to mistake your thirst to hunger which can lead to overeating to suffice the quench

If your body is dehydrated, the first signal your body gives is usually hunger rather than thirst

So always drink a glass of water every time your body signals towards binging as this will instantly fill you up

:Keeps you energized throughout the day

Not drinking enough water can lead to morning lethargy, tiredness towards the end of your day and in some cases, even leads to chronic fatigue

Always drink 1-2 cups of water around 15 minutes before stepping out in the heat during the summer and carry a bottle of water with you handy

:Avoid constipation

Absence of enough water in your body can slow down your digestion and intestinal track

Avoid constipation by drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water every day and 8-10 glasses if indulging in any strenuous workout

:Begin your day with pure, alkaline water

It is extremely essential to rehydrate your body in the morning after a fasting window

Drinking water with an alkaline pH such as Aquaplus helps in getting rid of toxic wastes and excess acid from your body and helps you stay hydrated for longer

This summer, switch to a BPA-free alkaline lifestyle and order your Aquaplus gallon online at

Price of a 5-gallon bottle ranges between AED 8 and AED10. Stay updated with the latest brand news via @myaquaplus



Aquaplus is the only water in the UAE that is packed in a 5 gallon Bisphenol A (BPA) Free Bottle

Aquaplus water undergoes a unique filtration process which gives it rejuvenating alkaline and ultra-hydrating properties

This entire process mimics the way water is processed in nature

Aquaplus water clusters are reduced in size, enabling them to hydrate your body more efficiently

The world is just beginning to understand the merits of an alkaline lifestyle. For more information, please refer to

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