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The Buzz Magazine

The Skin Network Provides Highly Effective Online Consultation And Treatment For Pigmentation

The Skin Network
The Skin Network

Work with The Skin Network’s professional skin therapists through a digital skin consultation to create a personalized routine using innovative, ‘prescription-only’ skincare products

January, 2022 [Dubai] – Focusing on the ‘New Year, New You’ approach, why not make achieving beautifully flawless skin a priority this year, embracing an ‘inside-outside’ view on skincare.

If you are looking for highly effective, personalized skincare advice in order to understand your own skin, and how best to treat it, The Skin Network is the perfect online skincare assistant for you.

So often, people buy the latest skincare products without actually considering what their particular skin type or concern is, and don’t really understand what their skin needs.

The Skin Network will provide solutions in bringing you beautifully flawless skin virtually, in the safety and comfort of your own home.

Therapists at The Skin Network have over 10 years’ experience and the platform is the very first digital skincare consultancy in the region, and the only place to access ‘prescription only’ professional skincare products online.

If you are one of the millions of individuals across the world that face various skin issues or have been struggling particularly with pigmentation and are looking for permanent solution to your dermatological issues, The Skin Network can guide you in getting rid of the most tenacious imperfections.

Its professional skincare experts will create a bespoke skincare routine for you, without you having to manage the hassle of clinic visits, especially during covid-19 times.

During your consultation, therapists will work with you to clearly understand what your skincare needs are and will prescribe you with a range of suitable treatments and products that are available to shop on its website, and following this, your assigned therapist will continue to guide you through your skincare journey by providing you ongoing support and care.

Pigmentation is a common dermatological issue that manifests in dark patches appearing on the skin and can be extremely difficult to tackle effectively.

The Skin Network will be able identify the type of pigmentation you are struggling with, whether it be from sun damage, age spots, melasma or scarring.

You will be advised on products by one of The Skin Network’s licensed therapists who will assess your skin, ask some questions, and provide you with recommended prescriptions, as well as lifestyle and dietary advise to help to combat your unique skin issues.

The concern will be targeted with key ingredients including Vitamin C, Kojic Acid, Tranexamic Acid, Niacinamide, Azaelic Acid and Hydroquinone, which inhibits melanin production and help boost cell turnover.

The Skin Network will assist you in suggesting skincare products to use, with some of the top brands that The Skin Network recommends for pigmentation including Obagi Clear, Obagi Blender, Mesoestetic Aox Ferulic, Mesoestetic Cosmelan 2, DMK Super Bright, DMK Revitosin, iS Clinical Super Serum and iS Clinical White Lightening Serum.

The products are very carefully selected, and all products go through rigorous testing periods before getting the seal of approval from The Skin Network’s expert skin specialists.

Once your bespoke skincare routine has been curated, your high quality clinical skincare products will be delivered directly to your home.

For more information about The Skin Network please and follow on socials.

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