The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

D-Link activates the Egyptian market on the Internet with advanced devices through the “smart IT network”

D-Link activates the Egyptian market on the Internet with advanced devices through the "smart IT network"
D-Link activates the Egyptian market on the Internet with advanced devices through the “smart IT network”

When you need any electronic product, whether it is a desktop computer, laptop or router, to connect the Internet to your home, you have many concerns during the purchase, most notably the high prices and low quality, but from today onwards you do not need to worry, especially after the company introduced us to “Smart it network ” offers and prices that are highly trusted, through a cooperation protocol between it and the global” D-Link “company, which was mentioned by M. Ahmed Jed, Chairman of Smart IT, said that a protocol was signed between the “smart information technology network” and the global “D-Link” company early last year 2020, and we started work. With the company in January 2021, we were able to achieve a high turnover, thanks to God, and the support and marketing officers.  

Ahmed Gad continued: “D-Link” is a large and global company, and it is always keen to develop and keep pace with the times very quickly, and “D-Link” is the consultant in the field of “infrastructure”, including “switch, router,” he added. long time. For us, D-Link is very reliable, just like Cisco and Linksys, and our job during the sale was not to persuade the customer, so he comes to us asking things, it covers all our needs and our needs from consultants as sales executives in the markets, enabling us to sell easily under The diversity offered by the global company. 

M. Ahmed Gad added: “Smart IT gets products at very special prices thanks to what D-Link Egypt offers, in order to facilitate the process of reviving the Egyptian economy in the field of technological development, infrastructure, companies, factories, malls, hotels and hotels. Government agencies. 

Ahmed Gad continued: “Recently, and in coordination with the managers and officials of D-Link products in Egypt, we were able to gain the confidence of customers thanks to the continuous support provided by the international company“ D-Link ”in terms of reducing prices by the company and revitalizing the Egyptian economy in the field of technological development and infrastructure.  

He added: “The new distribution agreement aims to revitalize the Egyptian electronic market, with high-quality, efficient, reliable and value-added products, solutions and services for networks, as it allows Wi-Fi routers, smart IP cameras, home devices and other products to consumers.” 

He concluded: "We strive for everything new, and the" D-Link "company
He concluded: “We strive for everything new, and the” D-Link “company

He concluded: “We strive for everything new, and the” D-Link “company always tells us what is new in its devices, services and products, so our company studies them, and thinks about how to properly employ and benefit from them. Then come out with a marketing campaign through which we announce about the available products and how He thanked the engineer, Mary Fayez, the representative of “D-Link” company for her cooperation with everyone and her love to help young people before the elderly, so that he feels that “D-Link” supports him and supports him in the time of need, which makes us feel reassured and supported even if the company faltered In marketing any product. 

Smart-IT is a provider of information and communication technology solutions and services. Assists clients in planning, building, improving and supporting their critical information technology infrastructure.

In addition to providing solutions and advisory services to help you grow.

Smart IT started in 2009 and since then the company has pledged to provide sweet and value-added services in the field of information technology by providing various solutions in all technical fields.

It is considered the best company for information and communication technology, infrastructure solutions and light stream for companies in terms of growth, quality and innovation by adhering to best practices and industry methodologies and helping customers grow their business by reducing total operating costs.

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