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The Buzz Magazine

Israel marks the International Day of “People of Determination” at its pavilion in Expo2020 Dubai

Israel marks the International Day of “People of Determination”
Israel marks the International Day of “People of Determination”

KKL-JNF, Access Israel, Start-Up Nation Central, and the Ministry of Regional International Day of “People of Determination” Cooperation yesterday marked the showcasing the most advanced accessibility technologies

f People of Determination marked yesterday (Friday, December 3), the International Day oIn recognition of the Up Nation Central, and the -JNF), Access Israel NGO, Start-KKLJewish National Fund ( -Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael avilion which is led by the Ministry of Ministry of Regional Cooperation hosted a range of startups in the Israeli pForeign affairs in Expo2020 Dubai.

The startups, from both Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), presented attendees with their most advanced accessibility technology.

by Access Israel, the visitors were invited to perform an urban obstacle As part of the unique presentation createdbodied people to experience the type of access challenges that disabled people -enabled ablecourse that activity is part of an .

This who use wheelchairs or who are blind/visually impaired experience dailyinternational collaboration supported by Google and Friends of Access Israel (FAISR).

The partnership seeks to how and accelerate the development of aids for people with disabilities, who -create an exchange of knowf the world population, concurrently achieving one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals account for 15% o(SDG).

The venture works to increase the awareness of the rights of people with disabilities, or People of uality.

As a result of the activity, visitors to the Expo had a Determination, as they are called in the UAE, to full eqchance to experience for themselves what it’s like to live with disabilities and at the same time discover unique and practical solutions developed in Israel.

ay at Expo2020 Dubai include an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) device The Israeli technologies on displ; EyeControlmedical technology and innovative communication technologies produced by Voiceitt;developed by ; and a ReSymmetryns developed by based motion control system that analyses wheelchair seating positio-an AIincluding urban panoramic, 3D photography system that identifies accessibility obstacles in a range of terrains,winning national wheelchair basketball -Israel’s 2016 world cup of captainMahran Hamdan, the environments. am, also participated in the event. te

, a leader in promoting accessibility and social integration of people with Yuval Wagner, chair of Access Israeland disabilities, regards the Expo as an excellent opportunity for regional collaboration of knowledge, models,technologies to improve the quality of life of 15% of the world’s population.

stated, “accessibility is a guiding principle at JNF, which offers 250 Merav Davidian, accessibility Officer at JNF,ts to make Israeli nature accessible to all while protecting the accessible sites in Israel.

We will persist in our efforenvironment and the topography.”

, commented, “The Israeli innovation Up Nation Central-Michal Seror, Director ecosystem development at Startto a global challenge with the hope of enhancing the lives of ecosystem offers multiple technological solutions Up Nation Central regards the -people with disabilities and achieving a more precise lateral integration.

Startm partnership with the UAE.”ter-display of the Israeli techonolgy in Dubai as a direct continuation of our long

Up Nation Central, the Ministry of Regional Cooperation, Google, and FAISR also created a -JNF, Access Israel, Startcollaborative social event to increase awareness.

One hundred people with and without disabilities jointly created onal Disability Alliance on the Expo lawn by holding up blue umbrellas.

the logo of the Internati

lighting event will be held with an accessible -on December 5, an accessible candle Accessible Hanukkah:esigners developed a special Hanukkah menorah developed by Impact Labs and printed on a 3D printer.

Product dlighter that allows people with arm and hand disabilities to light the candles without the need for assistance.

d Concurrently, Access Israel, JNF, Google, and FAISR will hold a sports event featuring wheelchair basketball, blinfootball, a running race for the visually impaired, blind lawn bowling, and more.

the Israeli Pavilion

The Israeli Pavilion is a project led by the Ministry of Foreign affairs, the pavilion is designed without walls, for maximum openness, attendees of Expo 2020 and beyond are invited to the Israel pavilion.

Israel is a place of innovation, offering a vision and horizon in dealing with the challenges of humanity.

The pavilion has an emphasis on issues such as; agriculture, water, medicine, communications and cyber problems.

The pavilion will showcase its open and diverse society that provides equal rights to all its inhabitants, it is a society that respects different people and cultures and is a recognised and respected state among participating nations.

The Pavilion is to act as a platform for future business development – an initial point of contact between Israelis and trade partners visiting the exposition. com/https://www.israelexpo2020dubai.


(NGO) that according to a special law of the Israeli Parliament governmental organisation -JNF is a non-KKLs the National Forest Service and the Land Development Authority in Israel.

Established over (Knesset), operates aperating in the field of JNF is considered one of the world’s oldest organizations o-120 years ago, KKLJNF is active in more than 55 countries throughout the world and works in -environmental solutions.

KKLgovernmental bodies to further common environmental interests. -cooperation with many governmental and nonc partner of the Israeli Government at Expo Dubai 2020.JNF is a strategi-KKL

Access Israel:

Access Israel is an NGO established in Israel in 1999 and is a global leading organization promoting accessibility anization, strives to globally improve accessibility and for people with all types of disabilities.

Our org and inclusioninclusion for people with determination/disabilities via advocacy, education, promotion, experiential activities, determined lives -funiversal design and technology.

With each improvement, we empower people to live selenabling them to work, travel, study, and consume with dignity, equality, and maximum independence. This is done by sharing our best practices, learning from other countries and joining forces to create a global change.

Up Nation Central:-About Start

Up Nation Central the address for corporations, governments, and investors to connect with the Israeli tech -Start Up Nation Central catalyzes growth opportunities by bringing Israeli tech innovation to global-ecosystem.

StartUp Nation -Aviv, Israel, Start-Tel business and societal challenges.

Established in 2013 and headquartered inprofit organization funded by philanthropy.-for-Central is a not

The Ministry of Regional Cooperation:

to -since the day of its founding -tablished to fulfill Israel’s desire The Ministry of Regional Cooperation was esighbors.

It serves as the designated ministry for the sole purpose of enhancing, strengthen its ties with its negovernmental and private projects, -, noncoordinating and facilitating bilateral and multilateral, governmentalthroughout the region, including the Palestinian Authority, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, the Balkan states, several African states and beyond.

We specialize in complex projects, initiatives and ventures that involve local and foreign, public entities with NGOs, governmental entities, and -governmental ministries or agencies in any combination. -business entities

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