The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Nesrin Sanad is Nominated for the World Influencers & Bloggers Awards: WIBA

Nesrin Sanad

The Egyptian actress and model, Nesrin Sanad, announced through her official account on Instagram that she was officially nominated for the World Influencers and Bloggers Awards 2022.

Nesrin attached the announcement by saying: “I am humbled and honoured to be nominated for the World Influencers and Bloggers Awards WIPA 2022 which is a global award that will honour the best leaders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, influencers, bloggers, models and more remarkable talents in various fields from all over the world.”

The World Influencers and Bloggers Awards ceremony will be held on the 18th and 19th of May at the Martinez Hotel in Cannes, France.

It is worth mentioning that the organizing committee decided to alter the policy of the event this year to collect donations for those affected by the Russian-Ukrainian war, as the committee asserted that it is a must to draw the world’s attention to the most fundamental issues at the moment.

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