The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Ozlem Sahin Ertas represents herself as a serial global fashion entrepreneur and a dreamer

She is CEO of Think Fashion Group companies and global Modest Fashion Week event series that is known as the most prestigious event series of the industry with 2 Billion media reach.

Riyadh Modest Fashion Week 22 will be the 8th edition of this global, traveling event series. (Istanbul-London-Dubai-Jakarta)

Under Think Fashion group companies, Modest Fashion Weeks is the most well-known brand globally.

Other brands under the group are also specialized in the certain area of the fashion industry while they are being a strong asset to each other.

Turkish Made Co serves as the production and sourcing solutions in Turkey and E Tu Creative Agency contributes to brands’ global journey with customized marketing communications.

Ertas believes in the power of holistic thinking and creates new ventures based on the market needs. She also continues to her A-Z consultancy if she believes the brand vision.

After having a business engineering bachelor degree in Turkey and her master programme in Leadership in Italy, she supported global brands as a strategic brand consultant under her company.

She is very passionate about the modest fashion industry, sustainable fashion and supporting the brands to think big.

Ozlem Sahin Ertas has been featured in Vogue Italy, Vogue Arabia, Khaleej Times, The National, Middle East Eye and many more media outlets.

She also has an award winning fashion film scenario that is called ”Red Coincidence” and the scenario was shot by Elle Turkey.

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