The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine


From Executive Producer Ron Howard, 68 Whiskey is Paramount Network’s newest one-hour, original scripted series

The show follows a multicultural band of Army medics stationed in Afghanistan on a base nicknamed “The Orphanage,” blending intense drama with irreverent humor. Together, the medics navigate a dangerous and sometimes absurd world, relying on comradery, various vices, and occasionally, a profound sense of purpose, to carry them through

Follows a multiethnic mix of men and women deployed as Army medics to a forward operating base in Afghanistan, where they endure a dangerous world that leads to self-destructive appetites, outrageous behavior and intense camaraderie

إشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية
اشترك معنا للتوصل بآخر الأخبار، المقالات والتحديثات، ترسل مباشرة لبريدك الإلكتروني
يمكنك سحب اشتراكك متى شئت

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