The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Best models and actress 2023 Cannes film festival with the president word film festival Olympia Mr Antonio Gelini was in the jury with Stavroulla NICOLAOU Top Crowns modes from all over the world took part to the casting

Prestige show production was partners with many events organization during Awards film festival cannes 20th of May French Fashion TV Hotel Gray D’ Albion Cannes 2023 and Fashion show after party with Top Crowned models from prestige show production and various producers and Stavroulla NICOLAOU from Cyprus 2) Best Models & actress 2023 cannes Hotel Gray D’ Albion cannes.

The jury was from the family film festival to select best models and actress 2023 producers to select the best actress and Designers selected the Best models to walk on the red carpet film Festival cannes.

The jury was as follow: Stavroulla Nicolaou president prestige show production Cyprus, Despina Mirou Actress from Hollywood USA, Aurelia Khazan Actess & singer from Paris, Adrea’s Swuahn media producer from Sweden, IKA Petuni designer from Indonesia.

Andre’s Aquino designer and producer from New York, Roger Castano fashion designer from UK 3) Event Awards short film and fashion designer Gala dinner 25 May hotel Carton cannes By GFS From USA Designer Andes Aquino.

Waletty from Germany Buni collection. & French fashion TV fashion show. Hair and Make up celebrity Gianni Graziano with his team Elie hair Agency from Milano.

BVIP celebrities actress From Hollywood team /Al Pachino Despoina Mirou. Mrs Stavroulla Nicoalou won the Award of best Model Agency Cannes 2023.
VIP quest was the king and Queen from China Antonio Gelini President Awards film festival Olympia , Vo Anh producer Cinema Vietnam and many others from family film festival ,. Many International media and photographers cover this amazing event all Top crowned models was from prestige show productions.

Prestige show production was also partners with The company Royal Gentlemen From France for the event 26 May Hight level fashion show with celebrities designers.

On the walk International Top Crowns Models participate of prestige models show production. The International designers who participate was: IKA Putoni from Indonesia , Wulan Maxwell from Indonesia , Liydmila Kanunnik, Lilia Fisher Elks Bert. ( diamonds ) Louteh , Rives. Chande, Bonnuci. Tatil. Piety Couture, France Hair & Make up Servises by celebrity Gianni Graziano with his Team Elie hair agency from Milano .

VIP Quest Celebrity actress from the team of Al Pachino Despoina Mirou From Hollywood USA who won the Award best actres of the year cannes 2023. Mrs. Nicolaou President of prestige show production won the Award of best organization cannes film festival 2023.

ANC was the producer for the the fashion show cannes. Antonio Gelini president of Awards Film festival Olimpia from USA, Lionel Sidol Partner of prestige show production with Alaa Be paris & Stephan Andreas Nice
Won the Award of Venera Tabakin drsigner UK. Roger Castano fashion designer

IKA Putoni Designer from Indonesia
Many International media attended and many photographers cover the event.

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