The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

Tolgahan Sayisman answered the question about his father with tears in his eyes: I remember the mistakes I made to my father, I became like this because of him

Tolgahan Sayışman, guest of Cansu Canan Özgen’s 40 program, said, “What did Tolgahan Sayışman see from his father?” he couldn’t control his tears.

The father of 2 children said, “When my father is mentioned, Efehan (his son) comes to mind, I think of the mistakes I made to my father.

I was impressed by him like that. The reason for my feelings is not only my father, but also a lot of events.

When you have a son, you will be able to understand some things,” said the actor.

Tolgahan Sayışman, whose production and starring role in the movie Mirrorless Haluk, was released, was this week’s guest of 40 with Cansu Canan Özgen, which was broadcast on BluTV.

Answering the questions with all sincerity, the actress experienced emotional moments when she heard her father’s name.

He drowned in tears. The father of two children, married to his colleague Almeda Abazi, had a hard time with the question “What did Özgen’s Tolgahan Sayman see from his father?” The actor, who burst into tears, said, “I didn’t know that I would react like this to such a question.

I am not such a man. When I say my father, I think of Efehan, the mistakes I made to my father come to mind.

I was affected by him like that. The reason for my emotion is not only my father, but also a lot of events.

When you have a son. You can understand some things,” he said.

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