The Buzz Magazine
The Buzz Magazine

strong Recycled, Euro-Mediterranean, with an Authentic Egyptian Spark/strong

That’s How we Prefer Our Fashion

Cairo, June22, 2021

A vibrant, authentic, and modern fashion collection completely manufactured from recycled and upcycled products/material in the local environment was produced by the “Recycle in Fashion – RinF” project following the completion of the “Recycling Skills for Sustainable Fashion” training program in Egypt.

RinFsuccessfully produced a collection composing 10 dresses and 3 accessories using fabric waste and other waste material that were recycled/upcycled for the collection’s production.

While the fashion collection will be presented during a Euro-Mediterranean fashion show in Palermo, Italy, in July 2021.

The project is a regional cooperation between three Euro-Mediterranean countries that include Egypt, Italy and Slovenia, where 15 female breadwinners in Egypt benefited from a capacity development program on recycled and sustainable fashion production.

The fashion collection was produced during a capacity development program that included 10 training sessions conducted by the prominent Egyptian traditional costume designer Reem Shaheen, who designed and implemented the training program through which a set of traditional, authentic, vibrant, and modern costumes were produced.

The “Recycle in Fashion-RinF” project was launched in October 2020 and will be finalized in July 2021, it is implementedin partnership with ComeUnaMarea ONLUS (Italy), Gozoor Cultural Development (Egypt), and the Centre for Design Research (Slovenia), with the generous support of the Euro-Mediterranean Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures.

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